Welcome UGA events to kickoff the Fall 2024 semester
Welcome UGA continues its campus-wide celebration into the new year for incoming and returning students. Various departments and organizations hosted not just events, but opportunities to connect with students as they begin a new semester – fostering a sense of belonging for them on campus.
Fall Kickoff | Welcome UGA First Night
During their first week back, students reunited with old friends and met new ones in a glow in the dark themed Tate while enjoying a personal box of pizza and a souvenir t-shirt from Student Transitions.

North of the Arch
An explorative and social event as students completed a scavenger hunt throughout downtown Athens. This event was held by the UGA Office of Government Relations and Engagement Leadership Service.

International Student Coffee Hour
Students, faculty, and staff come together every Friday in the Victor K. Wilson Ballroom over coffee and international cuisine to highlight specific organizations on campus and celebrate diversity. The first International Coffee Hour of the semester was co-hosted by UGA Multicultural Services and Programs.

Bulldog Friday
A go-to Friday tradition on campus from Student Transitions. The kickoff included free food and UGA swag.

Group Fitness Launch
UGA Recreational Sports launched their group fitness classes with a body pump class and a cycling class at Ramsey.

Engagement Fair
Hosted in Tate Student Center by Engagement Leadership and Service, the Engagement Fair featured over 400 student organizations and engagement opportunities at UGA.

Dogs and Donuts
Students met with UGA Police Department and enjoyed donuts and time with some amazing dogs!

BeWellUGA Fest
Presented by Well-being Resources, this event connected students with well-being groups and campus offerings. Students enjoyed well-being demonstrations and activities, spent time with therapy dogs, and enjoyed free food and giveaways.

Body Talks
At another event for BeWellUGA week with Well-being Resources, students learned about how to get involved with Body Talks, a student led organization that promotes body positivity. They also made flower bouquets!

For those interested in participating in Welcome UGA Spring 2024, you can learn more at welcome.uga.edu or contact Student Transitions at transitions@uga.edu